Get started on your data and analytics journey

N25,000 ONLY for our Self-Paced Excel course. Study at your own time and meet with your instructors twice. Next cohort starts 4th March 2024. To find out more about the course, click here

Instructor-led Excel for Beginners course is only N40,000. 8 hours of live tutoring and two drop in sessions to meet with your instructors. Next cohort starts 1st April 2024. To find out more about the course, click here

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“The things I learnt in just two weeks of this course, could have saved me a lot of stress at work. I really like the pace of the course, it is ideal for me.” Fidelis

“I’ve always wondered what Excel was, and it always seemed so complicated. This is the first time I am understanding it, and I will be using it to keep track of my billable hours.” Richard